Introduction to web or html

quick to know and brief explanation

www-is an acronym of world wide web.

  • acronym means the group of individual words together form a shortcut.

The web is subset of internet and have many more pages, which is accessed by the web browser.

  • web pages and related content are published on at least on browser.

  • Berners lee says www settled in decentralized form to link or allow anything.

we have 3 kinds of websites that are:

  1. Static website and its design. 2.Dynamic website. 3.E-commerce website.

Basic parts of Website.

  • Header & menu.
  • Images.
  • Website content.
  • Footer.

Let's talk about major concepts of Html.

HTML- Hypertext markup language.

  • Used to creating Web pages

  • Describe the structure.

  • Contain series of elements.

  • Label the heading and paragraph.

  • Tells the browser, how to display it.


<!DOCTYPE html>  /*  used to serve no.of documents */
<head lang="en"> /* used to convey about  language to write or understand */
<title> Html code </title>

<body> /* In body we can write many aspects would like to mentioned in it */

<h1>  It uses for main heading in the page, meanwhile it has bigger font display comparative with remaining tags </h1>

<h2> It is a child tag of h1 and having small size. it uses for sub headings </h2>

<p> It is paragraph tag, uses to write huge content in the body of web page and include many more thing and fields in it </p>

<img> /* is used to upload a image in the webpage. we can see below the src(source code) like, how to write img tag in the html*/

<img src="address of image" alt="img name" width="500"  height="500">

- we can use lorem for huge matter instantly, but doesn't have meaning of context in real time. we use it for the demo purpose.

It has been using in between paragraph tag  <p>....</p>



Now, we can discuss about server.

  • A computer that can store and share the information with number of computers is called a server.

  • Network computer or device computer that process a request from client.

-Using server to store, send, receiving data and provide services like software program.

  • Benefits of server is convenience and reliability of central repository

  • Most used server is Nginx and Apache.

  • Importance of server is allows to provide high speed internet access across network.

                                                     **Thanks for reading my article
